feedme java project

is free software, licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, that feeds/imports media from anywhere to xbox360 media center extenders, ipods, web servers, file servers, etc. using Java.

Please read the license here.

Friday, August 10, 2007

new for loop (print ascii shark)

ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

list.add( new String(" o /') ") );
list.add( new String(" /' ( , ") );
list.add( new String(" __/' ) .'`; ") );
list.add( new String(" o _.-~~~~' ``---..__ .' ; ") );
list.add( new String(" _.--' 6) ``--...____.' .' ") );
list.add( new String(" (/'/'/'/'/'/. )). `-._ < ") );
list.add( new String(" |'|'|'|'|'/...____...---`.___.'----... .'=== `.; ") );
list.add( new String(" `-` ` ") );
//list.add( new StringBuffer() );

for( String str : list ) {
System.out.println( str );

C:\Documents and Settings\jmcloske\feedme
o /')
/' ( ,
__/' ) .'`;
o _.-~~~~' ``---..__ .' ;
_.--' 6) ``--...____.' .'
(/'/'/'/'/'/. )). `-._ <
|'|'|'|'|'/...____...---`.___.'----... .'=== `.;
`-` `
It's now Fri Aug 10 19:22:00 ACT 2007
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)

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