feedme java project

is free software, licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, that feeds/imports media from anywhere to xbox360 media center extenders, ipods, web servers, file servers, etc. using Java.

Please read the license here.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


import javax.script.*;

ScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager();
List factories =
for (ScriptEngineFactory factory: factories) {
System.out.println("ScriptEngineFactory Info");
String engName = factory.getEngineName();
String engVersion = factory.getEngineVersion();
String langName = factory.getLanguageName();
String langVersion = factory.getLanguageVersion();
System.out.printf("\tScript Engine: %s (%s)\n",
engName, engVersion);
List engNames = factory.getNames();
for(String name: engNames) {
System.out.printf("\tEngine Alias: %s\n", name);
System.out.printf("\tLanguage: %s (%s)\n",
langName, langVersion);

//The scripting API consists of interfaces and classes that define Java TM Scripting Engines and provides a framework for their use in Java applications.

ScriptEngineFactory Info
Script Engine: Mozilla Rhino (1.6 release 2)
Engine Alias: js
Engine Alias: rhino
Engine Alias: JavaScript
Engine Alias: javascript
Engine Alias: ECMAScript
Engine Alias: ecmascript
Language: ECMAScript (1.6)

public interface ScriptEngine

static String ARGV
Reserved key for a named value that passes an array of positional arguments to a script.
static String ENGINE
Reserved key for a named value that is the name of the ScriptEngine implementation.
static String ENGINE_VERSION
Reserved key for a named value that identifies the version of the ScriptEngine implementation.
static String FILENAME
Reserved key for a named value that is the name of the file being executed.
static String LANGUAGE
Reserved key for a named value that is the full name of Scripting Language supported by the implementation.
Reserved key for the named value that identifies the version of the scripting language supported by the implementation.
static String NAME
Reserved key for a named value that identifies the short name of the scripting language.

Bindings createBindings()
Returns an uninitialized Bindings.
Object eval(Reader reader)
Same as eval(String) except that the source of the script is provided as a Reader
Object eval(Reader reader, Bindings n)
Same as eval(String, Bindings) except that the source of the script is provided as a Reader.
Object eval(Reader reader, ScriptContext context)
Same as eval(String, ScriptContext) where the source of the script is read from a Reader.
Object eval(String script)
Executes the specified script.
Object eval(String script, Bindings n)
Executes the script using the Bindings argument as the ENGINE_SCOPE Bindings of the ScriptEngine during the script execution.
Object eval(String script, ScriptContext context)
Causes the immediate execution of the script whose source is the String passed as the first argument.
Object get(String key)
Retrieves a value set in the state of this engine.
Bindings getBindings(int scope)
Returns a scope of named values.
ScriptContext getContext()
Returns the default ScriptContext of the ScriptEngine whose Bindings, Reader and Writers are used for script executions when no ScriptContext is specified.
ScriptEngineFactory getFactory()
Returns a ScriptEngineFactory for the class to which this ScriptEngine belongs.
void put(String key, Object value)
Sets a key/value pair in the state of the ScriptEngine that may either create a Java Language Binding to be used in the execution of scripts or be used in some other way, depending on whether the key is reserved.
void setBindings(Bindings bindings, int scope)
Sets a scope of named values to be used by scripts.
void setContext(ScriptContext context)
Sets the default ScriptContext of the ScriptEngine whose Bindings, Reader and Writers are used for script executions when no ScriptContext is specified.

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